In addition (and perhaps more appealing for some), your local library branch probably has a decent selection of DVDs, CDs, books-on-tape-or-cd, and museum passes. Did I mention that this is free? Some branches charge $1 or so for DVD rentals, but that's a bargain compared to your local Blockbuster.
You may scoff, and say "Silly, reading's for kids." You'd be right - after all, a review in the Archives of Disease in Childhood recently concluded: "Reading aloud to young children, particularly in an engaging manner, promotes emerging literacy and language development and supports the relationship between child and parent."

What you might not know is that reading is good for adults, too! It provides the opportunity to escape from everyday stresses, and relax. Reading can be so effective at this that the UK has started a program for mentally distressed patients called "Reading and You." And hey, if you've always wanted to go to Australia but don't [yet] have the funds for it, reading books set in Australia are a good way to at least get to Australia in your brain.
In order to get a library card in Massachusetts, you must fall into one of the following categories:
- a resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- a Massachusetts property owner
- employed in Massachusetts
- attending school in Massachusetts
- a resident of temporary housing in Massachusetts
My local branch (Honan-Allston) is open tonight until 6 PM. Check the BPL's hours online, and sing this song on your way.
"Take a look, it's in a book, a reading rainbow!"
Related Posts: Public libraries are your friend; Reading at Lunch; Staycation in Boston; Turn off your TV week
Photo courtesy of Casey "monkey-lovin" Williams