Friday, December 7, 2007

You’re young. You want to help. Here is how.

Give the gift of warmth this holiday season by donating a coat or volunteering in a coat drive. St. Paul A.M.E. Church is currently holding a coat drive and will host a coat give away on Saturday December 15, 2007 from 9AM to 6 PM. St. Paul A.M.E. Church is located behind the Harvest Co-Op Market in Central Square.

The hardest part of running successful coat drive is extending the word to those who need to hear it the most. You can help by donating some time to handout flyers, tell friends, and spread the word about this charitable event.

To help please call 617.661.1110 to see if the Church is still accepting donations or needs volunteers.

Get up and do something, no matter how small, get on your feet.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone has that coat that they just don't wear anymore, but is perfectly good... this is a great idea.

    I need a coat right now. This office is freezing!!
